If you are willing to start speedpainting but need inspiration, you’re in the right place! Get ready to get flooded with speedpaint ideas, resources and tips to kickstart your next big work of art!
How to get inspired to create cool speedpaints?
Looking for a source of inspiration? Here are some of the best tips to inspire yourself when you’re out of ideas:
- Go for a walk, get distracted: being outdoors is always beneficial because it allows us to relax your mind and surround yourself with interesting stimulations that will promote new ideas and associations
- Look at the speedpaints of other creators (below we will include a list of some that can help inspire you): seeing their technique and what they’re drawing can move you to try your own version or even something completely new.
- Challenge yourself: every day new challenges come up online to try out new techniques or ideas, be part of them! If you don’t like that kind of challenges, try to do something you find very challenging, set yourself a goal and follow it day by day.
- Don’t force it: if inspiration doesn’t come, don’t stay at the table waiting for something to happen, it just doesn’t work that way. Go out, do something you enjoy, surround yourself with an interesting context, like a museum or a concert. On your return, inspiration will come easily and you’ll be able to start your speedpaint right away.
Best speedpaint websites to get inspired
If the tips listed above haven’t worked for you, maybe you’ll need to check inspirational websites before getting back to work. Here we have included a list of interesting websites that will help you to get inspired:
Drawing ideas generator websites
- Check out our Drawing Idea Generator! This tool will give you a complete made up situation with a character, an action and everything you need to start painting, so you can get rid of any creative block you have in just a single click!
- DrawingPrompt: pick a category and the generator will give you a new idea each time, if it doesn’t work for you, just hit reset!

- Random Drawing Generator: this gif in motion displays random options and will give you what to draw in two different categories (who are you drawing and what are they doing), take a screenshot and start your speedpaint!

Speedpaint inspiration websites
- Queeky community: in this site you’ll find a gallery of the latest work of this community, with a wide range of examples to be inspired by.
- Speedpaint gallery: in this website you’ll find speedpaintings created during the last 24 hours, older speedpaints are automatically removed.
Popular speedpaint YouTube channels to boost inspiration
Checking out the work of some of the biggest speedpainters, very active on their YouTube channels, will definitely inspire you. These are some of our favourites:
- WLOP: with a very defined style, inspired by the Middle Age and fiction, this speedpainter has really beautiful videos, which will make you want to get to work right away
- Glamist: with a great Asian influence, this speedpainter has a very colorful style
- Cyril Rolando: this speedpainter alternates techniques with Procreate and Photoshop, so you can be inspired by different styles and speedpaint methods
- Seka: this speedpainter channel is 100% dedicated to timelapse creation, with a cinematographic and personal style.
- Celtic Botan’s Digital Art: artist 100% speedpainter, with a clear influence of celtic culture and a refined style, pure magic!
In our speedpaint ideas post, we’ve shown our best tips to fight against those days where inspiration have just disappeared.
We’ve also seen the best tools, websites and channels to get inspired and do your best in your next speedpaint, we hope you’ve found it useful and it moves you to create great pieces of art!